Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mini-Moon ~ Honeymoon!

Mini- Moon! After our wedding we were going to take a few days to travel. The intention was to pick a direction and start driving until we got to where we wanted to go! Unfortunately Alex had to get right back to work, so he worked and I tagged along. Not ideal, but were very thankful to have had some time together!

I found this shirt months before the wedding! When we were getting ready the morning after the wedding I jokingly said to Alex "too bad you don't have a cute shirt to wear today!" He went into the bathroom and came out wearing this shirt! He went and had it made so he could surprise me! Such a sweetheart! 

What our car looked like after the wedding! 

 Honeymoon! We decided to take our Honeymoon in Denver, Co! Our friend wrote us a few weeks before the wedding and told us the Braves would be in town... So guess where we decided to Honeymoon! We drove and spent a week in Denver! We got to watch 3 of the 4 games in the series! We fell in love with Denver and did not want to leave! We spent time shopping, eating at a few local spots, relaxing,watching the games, golfing, house warming party-night out! We spent one night at Dave & Buster's (Alex's one request besides the games)! We really did not want to leave and even thought of looking for apartments while we were there! When we finally decided we better get back home, we got to Grand Junction and our car decided to break down. It was late Saturday afternoon and had little to no options. Until Alex suggested we call our cousins who were also in CO watching the game. As luck would have it they were spending the night in Grand Junction. They helped us look at the car and decided our best option would be to tow it home and fix it there-so that is what we did. We were so lucky to have them there to help us.
My Mom & Dad decorated our car again before we left for Denver! 

Lighting storm on our drive! 

Margaritas at a well know local favorite Spot Lime! 

Dinner with our Coree at Cherry Cricket ( famous for being on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives) 

Coors Field! 

Before our night out! 

Alex loved this place! 

Golfing with our favorite golf buddy! 

Out with Coree's friends! We were the ONLY married couple out of 20+ friends :)!

Sad we didn't want to leave....

Museum we stopped at after the family rescued us!  

Our sick car being towed....

By the way, after all of the car trouble we had, we found nothing wrong with our car. It really just did not want to leave Colorado....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Happiest St. Patrick's Day Ever!!!!

     Well St. Patrick's day is a big deal in the Anderson house... My mom loves to celebrate! She has about everything green you can think of and green beer is one of her favorite drinks(well at least on March 17th it is ;)!
     Alex has always wondered why we celebrate it, in such a big way and I could never really answer him, so he gave us a really good reason to celebrate it!!

      March 2010 was a good month for us! Alex and I celebrated our 5 year dating anniversary on March 15th! I got jewelry that day but it was a bracelet ( not the ring I was expecting)!! So anyways we celebrated that day by going to the movies and dinner! The next day came and went... Then it was St. Patrick's Day! If you asked Alex I should have know what was to come, but if you ask me I had no idea!!

     My version: The day started out like any other day, we woke up made a plan for the day and got ready. Alex played The Office(one of our favorite shows) while we got ready, I asked how I should do my hair- He said "Do it sexy, you will want to look good today", and I put on my St. Patrick's Day shirt that said "Lucky Shirt"- He asked if I felt lucky that day?! He kept quoting my niece Abby "This is the day!" (something she said once while pretending she was a news anchor lady!) Pretty normal day (besides all of the hints he was giving)

    Alex's version: Same as mine but the episode of The Office happened to be the episode that Jim asks Pam to marry him, The "sexy hair" comment was to hint to me we would be taking lots of pictures, the "Lucky Shirt" comment was to indicate " That this is the day!"

     So we left the house and started running errands. We dropped our dog off at my parents because we were going to be gone most of the day and didn't want him to be alone. Then we went shopping, we stopped at Youth Ranch and DI to find some bikes to ride for the summer. It was about 11:30 am when Alex started acting antsy. I thought it was just because he didn't want to shop.... Wrong!

     The reason he was getting antsy is because he decided that at 11:56 he was going to ask me to marry him. 11:56 has significance to us because they are Alex's favorite numbers. So at that time of day we always made a point to acknowledged each other, a call or text, a hug or kiss, something to let each other know that if only for a minute we were the only people we were thinking about! So at 11:56 he was going to ask me, he had made his mind up that no matter where we were he was gong to ask. Not wanting to do it in the middle of DI he tried to rush me out of there, we decided to go to my parents for lunch. As we were walking up to their backdoor Alex said: "Guess what time it is?"
                Me: "11:56?"
               Alex: "Yes, the most significant time of your life!"
Then he gave me a huge hug and told me he loved me! Then he dropped down to one knee and my jaw dropped with him!He pulled out a box and said:
            " Sarah Nicole Anderson will you marry me?"
  I think I let out a little yelp and hugged him and then asked:
            " You s**t! Are you serious?" :D
  He opened up the box and I saw the ring and yelled:
             "Yes, Yes, Yes!
As luck would have it my dad was walking in the house from the back yard and my mom was opening the door to let the dogs out and they got to see it all! Then next hour or so I was calling and texting everyone I knew! Then I went outside and jumped on the tramp and looked at my ring a thousand times! I never want to forget that feeling.... It was AMAZING!!!!!

So now we have an excellent reason to celebrate St. Patrick's day!
Celebrating with our green beer!!
My beautiful ring!! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun and Happy Times

So I am going to start off by explaining the name of our blog. Alex and I were hanging out with a bunch of our friends one night and it was not going so well. Our friends were bringing us down with all of their high school drama and we were board, so we decided it was time to do something. When Alex asked me what we should do I said we needed " Fun and Happy Times!" He loved this response so we use that as the motto for our relationship. And in our six years together we have had a lot of Fun and Happy Times!!!!